Import network

How to reach hereq

Open Existing Project

Screen Overview

Options From Here

  1. Select Browse to Import a file (IN CSV format).
  2. Get a template to check the structure and fornat of the file.
  3. Network name: Type here the symbolic name of the network within new project.
  4. Select boundary conditions for starting Station (#1).
    1. Pump or
    2. Supply Water Tower
  5. A Reservoir is selected by default for the end station

  1. Press Save to create the network and add the relevant info to the project.
    1. Control returns to Open Existing Project
  2. Press Cancel to leave the process.

Backlinks: Home:Menu Bar:Projects:Saved Projects:Open Existing Project Home:Appendices:Tips & Tricks:How to.... (Typical Work Flow):Create a New Network Home:Appendices:Tips & Tricks:How to.... (Typical Work Flow):Create a New Project