Edit Pipeline

How to reach here


For the desired pipeline select Edit pipeline

Screen Overview

Options From Here

Edit Pipeline Paraneters

  1. From
    1. First Pipeline Station
  2. To
    1. Last Pipeline Station
  3. Max. Neg. Pressure
    1. Maximum negative pressure (vacuum) the pipeline withstands.
  4. is Old
    1. A flag to declare Old pipe for Linear pressure loss model
  5. Edit Pipe
    1. Press or Pipe Name to Edit Pipe material, diameter and other properties
  6. Done
    1. Press when finished
  7. Delete the pipe

Additional Information

Backlinks: Home:Menu Bar:Projects:Saved Projects:Open Existing Project:Network Overview:Open Branch:Branch Menu:Edit Branch:PipeLines Home:Menu Bar:Projects:Saved Projects:Open Existing Project:Network Overview:Open Branch:Branch Menu:Edit Branch:PipeLines:Add Pipeline Home:Appendices:Tips & Tricks:How to.... (Typical Work Flow):Create a New Project