Pipe fittings and accessories used to describe specific features and characterics of a station are called "Components".
Basic componets used in the code are described below.
Please contact your Administrator for missing components and further suggestions.
The structure of the station is more complex than currently needed. There are features reserved for future functionality.
Air Valves
Air valves are special air manipulation components.
A complete ARI air valves library is available for selection.
The user is able to exlude types or families of air valves and limit the calculation to the prefferable ones.
Check Valves
A check valve is automatically inserted downstream a pump.
Hydraulic Valves
Pumps are usually installed in the beginning of a Branch.
Water Reservoir
Water Supply Tower
Any two randomly selected Stations i,j can be inter-connected with a pipe P.
Please note i,j,P are unique IDs for each entity, doesn't affect any calculation results and cannot be modified, unless the referenced entity is deleted.
By considering a more complex scheme including more than one pipes the term of Pipeline is introduced
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